Providing Pet Surgical Procedures in Bulverde, TX

At Bulverde Animal Hospital, we understand how important it is to ensure your pet is well taken care of when they see us for surgery. Our experienced team can perform a range of surgeries to provide your pet with the high-quality care they require, from spay and neuter procedures to mass removals and exploratory surgery. We abide by precise guidelines as part of our commitment to your pet’s safety and well-being throughout their time at Bulverde Animal Hospital.

To schedule your pet’s surgery or post-surgery follow-up appointment, contact us today at (830) 438-7200!

Little girls snuggling a dog

Our Protocols for Maximizing Pet Surgery Safety

Our team observes the following guidelines during every pet surgery at our hospital:

  • Running pre-anesthetic blood screens to check for illness and evaluate your pet’s health prior to anesthesia
  • Monitoring vitals throughout the procedure to measure heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate
  • Offering post-surgical care and pain management to ensure that your pet wakes up safely and comfortably

Available Surgical Procedures Affordable options for surgery performed at our clinic.

salivary mucocele surgery

ventral bulla osteotomy

anal sacculectomy

laryngeal tie-back

Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy

perineal urethrostomy

perineal hernia repair

subtotal colectomy

perineal urethrostomy

Trust the Experts at Bulverde Animal Hospital

The experienced team at Bulverde Animal Hospital knows your pet is an important part of your family and is well trained in performing a variety of surgical procedures. We are dedicated to ensuring your pet’s health and safety remain a top priority during their surgery. Call Bulverde Animal Hospital to speak with a caring member of our team about managing your pet’s recovery or answering any questions you may have about their surgery!