Pet Euthanasia and Hospice in Bulverde, TX
Our relationship with our pets is incredibly special, and there is nothing more difficult than having to make the decision to say goodbye. When the time comes, Bulverde Animal Hospital is able to provide compassionate hospice care and, when needed, pet euthanasia to help make your companion’s passing as peaceful as possible for them and for you and the rest of your family.
If it’s time to discuss end-of-life care for your pet, the Bulverde team is here for you. Contact us today at (830) 438-7200 or request an appointment online.

How to Know When It’s Time to Say Goodbye
Considering end-of-life care for your pet is a difficult decision, but it’s important to understand your pet’s quality of life and how they are feeling day to day. No one wants their pet to suffer needlessly, and we can help you evaluate your pet’s daily habits and behaviors to determine if pet euthanasia is the truly the right course of action.
To start assessing your pet’s quality of life, we ask that you consider the following factors to determine whether your pet is reasonably healthy and happy, or suffering from chronic pain and illness.
- No interest in food or water
- Unable to walk or move unassisted
- Chronic vomiting or diarrhea
- Experiencing severe pain (cries when touched, hunched posture, trembling)
- Having frequent accidents around the house
Even with these factors, we want to make sure we review your pet’s medical history and explore all possible treatment options before recommending euthanasia.
What Happens During the Euthanasia Procedure?
If you’re comfortable, you can stay with your pet for the entire euthanasia appointment. To make sure their procedure is as stress-free and comfortable as possible, we will start by placing an IV catheter to administer a sedative to help your pet fall asleep. Once your pet is asleep and you’re ready for us to take the next step, we will give the euthanasia injection. This injection may take a couple minutes, and we will check your pet’s heart to confirm their passing.
After the procedure, we can help you arrange for your pet’s cremation and select a keepsake, such as a clay paw print, to remember your pet by. If you prefer, you can make cremation arrangements before your pet’s appointment.
Making decisions regarding your pet’s end of life care can be overwhelming. If you have concerns about your pet’s condition and would like to consult your veterinarian, please contact Bulverde Animal Hospital for more information about end-of-life care.